Monday, May 10, 2010

Putting welfare to work

How can the American economy be the strongest in the world, yet 1 out of 8 Americans fall below the poverty line, even when working. there is a growing gap between the American middle class and the wealthiest Americans. In America today, about 150 million workers are employed. The government regulates how businesses are run and sets many rules. The people that work, but still need government assistance are the people who only make minimum wage. A full-time fast food worker made about $11,000 for the year at minimum wage. Without taxes and fees taken out of the check, that would be about $917 per month to live on. In the 1980s, new technology and globalization changed the United States. The United States started to outsource jobs, leaving jobs harder to find. Currently outsourcing has lead the United States to a rate of 10% unemployment. Not everyone in the United States earns enough money to live comfortably. A family of 4 in 2006 with an annual income less than $20,444 was considered poor. That family would have about about $1704 to live on per month. In 2005, 12.6% of Americans lived below the poverty line and needed to get some government assistance. The United States government has created many programs to help out the poor. There is Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. The government also has wage assistance, a Federal Minimum Wage, Food Stamps, and Welfare. More single mothers are working now more than ever. The amount of child support collected has increased, but that's not enough. Many people are now off welfare benefits because they have found work. The jobs that they found are very low paying jobs. These jobs are still not enough to cover the basic costs of living. People are now using food stamps and Medicaid more than ever since they don't qualify for all types of government assistance anymore. Critics say that the government needs to increase funding for job training, child care for working parents, and early childhood education programs for the poor.
I believe that the government should change how welfare programs are run. I believe that there are many people who are on welfare and don't spend money wisely. I see this everyday. These people are on welfare and yet they have the nicest cars, buy many lottery tickets, and buy cigarettes. I believe the government should offer programs on how to spend money wisely, like budgeting classes. I believe these people shouldn't be allowed to be on welfare if they spend their money on luxury goods and unnecessary products. John McCain has many of the same views that I have on welfare. He believes that people who get welfare should spend at least 40 hours a week on working or extra training. He also believe that in order to have food stamps, the stamps should say exactly what the people can spend them on.